About Me

My photo
I admire handmade, no I'M IN LOVE WITH HANDMADE, especially knitting!!! Handmade is a very special - it suits perfect to you, it's exclusive, it has warmness of the author's hands or designer, it's taste and energy. There are no fabric-produced things that you will feel yourself the same perfect as in handmade things! I have a mamma, the gorgeous, the best ever mamma in the world!! She's a Handicrafter. And she has been knitting and crochetting for all her life!! Not only knitting, but also lots of other handmade. She makes perfect and unbelievable things by her hands!! From the very childhood I was surrounded by handmade, I was like a little princess clothed in knitted unique things, and I begun to do them by myself, but of course I know that it's a long way to do them like mamma, but we work in tandem. I like to have exclusive things and to feel that I'm the only and everybody looks at me! We also can knit and crochet whatever you want, please feel free to contact us, be exlclusive and glad! We're about to start our own design and instructing others!

17 July 2011

Welcome to my Unique Handmade!!! Välkommen till Mitt Hantverk!!!

Dear friends!

I'm glad to meet you on my page! Today I've decided to start posting up in my blog as I have a lot to show you. So hello everybody and welcome!

In my blog I'd like to show you my handicraft, which I've put my love and effort into. I started knitting and crocheting when I was a little child and haven't stopped since then. Knitting is my hobby and my passion. Every piece of my handicraft contains a piece of me and of my warmness.

Of course I'm not able to show you all of my works as the most of them are already found its new home. Anyway, you're welcome to see many of them on my Facebook.  I'm also glad to aware you about my presentation on Facebook and DaWanda and Etsy.   These are the very nice places where lots of talented people have found their warm corner.

So, guys, you're very welcome! And follow me with my updates!!!

Kind regards,

Kära vänner!
Vad glad jag är att träffa er här på min nya blogg! Jag beslutade att börja min blogg därför jag har så mycket att visa er. Så, Hej allihopa och Välkomna!
På min blogg skulle jag vilja visa er mitt hantverk, som jag har lagt ner stort arbete och kärlek på. Jag började sticka och virka när var jag liten och jag har inte kunnat sluta sedan dess. Att sticka och virka är min hobby och passion. Varje hantverk innehåller en del av mig och min värme.
Jag kan inte visa dig alla mina hantverk eftersom  många av dem har hittat ett nytt hem- I alla fall är ni jättevälkomna att titta på de flesta av dem på mina websidor på Facebook och DaWanda och Etsy. Detta är jättefina platser där många begåvade människor har hittat sin varma vrå.
Så, tjejer och killar, ni är mycket välkomna!! Och följ mig på min blogg!!!



  1. Spännande!
    Ser fram emot att se mer.
    Vi hörs och ses!

  2. Tack Malin! Hoppas att du ska följa mig!)))
